Service Standards
Over the years the Association has developed a set of wide ranging targets relating to key service activities like repairs, allocations, relets, and estate management (to name but a few). These targets are called Service Standards.
Each year we publish a list of the main Service Standards in our Newsletter. These set out the level of service that we aim to provide to our tenants, and residents. We regularly monitor our performance against each one of these Standards and give update reports in our quarterly newsletters, and in the Performance section of this website.
Our aim is to provide North View tenants and residents with as good a service as we possibly can. We believe that we already do that, but we are always trying to push it a bit more and do things that wee bit better. In addition to Service Standards, we use a variety of other methods like focus group meetings, surveys and even complaints to help us keep an eye on how we are doing and to identify areas that we need to look at.