Paying your rent online

Paying online is simple for North View Housing Association tenants or residents with a rent payment card(Allpay card), an email address and a debit/credit card.

If you don't have a rent payment card or need a new one, please email us at or telephone our offices.

Click here to go to the payment site:

Tips for paying online

  • Have all your cards and information to hand before logging onto your computer.
  • The long number at the top of your rent card is your "Rent Payment Number". Please note only Allpay can tell you this number. (See their details below if you have any questions.)
  • If you are using this service for the first time you will be asked to provide a password and email address.
  • You will be asked to check and ensure that you are paying North View Housing Association.
  • Enter the amount to pay and your debit/credit card details. (Your name as it appears on your card and no spaces between the numbers).
  • After a successful transaction, a confirmation page will appear providing a payment reference and an authorisation code.
  • You should print the confirmation email you will get for your records should you require to reference these in the future.

The payment site is secure. (Check the lock in the bottom right corner). Card details are not retained after processing.

For any problems when paying your rent online please contact Allpay direct. ( ) Tel: 0870 243 3434.