Applying for Housing
Applying for Housing
People who are not currently North View tenants or are current North View tenants with housing need (for example, are overcrowded or need a ground floor property on medical grounds) and want to apply to us for rehousing need to complete a Housing Options and Solutions Interview (HOSI).
The Association has been using the Housing Options approach since April 2016. Through this, we provide personal advice tailored to anyone who needs assistance with their housing situation. The interview looks at an individual’s circumstances, together with their housing and personal needs.
This information obtained at the Interview is then assessed against the Association’s Allocation Policy. Points are awarded based on the household’s circumstances and the housing application is added to our housing list. People will also receive an Action Plan in relation to the housing options discussed, which can then be taken to any other Registered Social Landlord involved in Housing Options in Glasgow to apply for housing. The interview generally takes about 45 minutes.
If you wish to apply for housing, please contact the office on 0141 634 0555 or email to make an appointment for a Housing Options interview with a member of the Housing Management Team.
If you are an existing North View tenant with no housing need and seeking a move on ‘aspirational’ grounds (for example, wish to move to a different street or house type), Housing Options does not apply. We only carry out a small number of lets under this category every year and applicants need to complete a short application form. We do not award housing points for Aspirational Applications. Instead, properties are offered to the person who has been on the list the longest. Please contact the office on 0141 634 0555 or email to request an Aspirational Application Form.