Are having difficulty paying your rent
There may be times when you have difficulty paying your rent. If you find yourself in this situation, get in touch with us as soon as possible. The earlier we know about the problem, the easier it will be to resolve. You can make an appointment to discuss the matter with your Housing Officer by telephoning, visiting the Office or emailing
We can arrange for you to see our Welfare Rights Officer or put you in touch with a local specialist debt and budgeting advice organisation which can also offer help if you find yourself in this situation.
If you do fall into arrears, a special payment arrangement can be made (based on your family income and the amount owed). Payments can be tailored to suit your circumstances and can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly. These payments will cover both the ongoing rent for your home and the arrear.
If you fall into arrears and do not contact us or if you consistently fail to keep to a scheduled repayment agreement, we may have to resort to Court Action to recover the debt. This is only considered as a last resort as Court Action can lead to eviction and arrestment of wages, so please contact us immediately if you are having a problem paying your rent or keeping to your arrears repayments agreement.