How we work

How we work

The Management Committee has overall responsibility for North View Housing Association.  It:

  • sets North View's strategic direction, through its role in developing and then approving the Business Plan;
  • sets North View's policy, for the staff team to implement;
  • oversees risks and North View's financial well-being;
  • monitors the quality of the services that tenants receive, and;
  • seeks assurance that North View is complying with legislation and regulatory requirements

Minutes and agendas of Management Committee meetings can be found here

Committee exercise its control through regularly monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Association in all key areas.  Committee has set in place a reporting and review regime to help achieve this.  The control processes are not foolproof, but are fit for purpose; they are proportionate and relevant to the activities that we undertake.       

The Management Committee manages the Association in compliance with our Rules.  

The Management Committee discharges its responsibility through a framework of Sub-Committees, each with its own remit. We have five Sub Committees; three meet quarterly – the Audit & Risk Sub-Committee, the Housing Management Sub-Committee, and the Maintenance Sub Committee.  The Health & Safety Sub Committee meets bi-annually, while the General Purposes Sub Committee is convened as and when required.

We have a sixth sub group – the Office Bearers Group.  The Office Bearers Group has authority to act on behalf of the Management Committee in case of emergency, or if a decision is required before it practicably possible to convene a Committee Meeting.  

The Committee set the Association’s Strategic Objectives, and establish our strategy and policy base for our staff team to implement.  

Staff are responsible for the day to day running of the Association, with the Senior Staff Team having organisational responsibility to i) ensure that the Association acts within the law and regulation, and ii) oversee implementation of Committee decisions, and set strategies.

Our staffing structure has evolved over the years in response to the changing challenges that we have faced.  In it we establish the lines of management and seniority, and depict the teams and personnel responsible for carrying out duties within each service area.

Becoming a Member of North View Housing Association

Being a Member allows you to vote at our Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meetings that we may have.  It also entitles you to stand for election to the Management Committee.

Any tenant, service user or anyone who is interested in the Association can become a member. They must also be over 16 years of age.  All you need to do is complete an application form and hand it in at the Office along with £1 to buy your share.  The Management Committee will consider your application, and we’ll let you know their decision as soon as we can.      

Please click on the hyperlink to view our Membership Policy and, on the Application Form if you’d like to apply to become a member of North View Housing Association.

Joining the Management Committee

We encourage residents to consider joining our Management Committee.

Being a Committee Member takes up two or three evenings a month, but it gives you more opportunity to have your say on how we operate and what we do.  There is quite a lot involved in being a Committee Member, but you will get help. The most important thing is that you bring your ideas about what we should be doing for our residents.  Ideally we'd like to get someone from every part of Windlaw on the Committee.  We are a bit short in some areas, but you’d be welcome no matter where you live!

You don’t have to be a resident of North View to join the Committee; anyone aged 18 or over can join as long as they have the interests of North View at heart.

There are a few ways to join the Management Committee.  The usual way for members of the Association is to stand for election at our Annual General Meeting, but, if a full Committee Members leaves the Committee during the year, another member can replace them and be on the Committee until the next AGM.  If there are spaces, another option is for someone to be co-opteed on to the Committee.  They then become a co-opteed Committee Member and can stay on the Committee until the next AGM.  The co-optee route is open to member and non-members of the Association.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a Committee Member, please drop us an email.

Our Management Committee, totalling 12, consists of the following members:

Iris Robertson, Chairperson (since 22nd September 2021). Iris has been a Committee Member since 1st November 1993

Josephine Deacon, Vice-Chairperson (since 22nd September 2021). Josephine has been a Committee Member since 1st November 1993

Audrey Laird, Secretary (since 22nd September 2021). Audrey has been a Committee Member since 3rd September 2014

Wilma McCubbin, Treasurer (since 21st September 2022). Wilma has been a Committee member since 1st July 2002

James Dougherty. James has been a Committee Member since 21st November 2018

Geraldine Baird. Geraldine has been a Committee Member since 27th November 2020

Alex Bruce. Alex has been a Committee Member since 21st November 2018

Christine Devine MBE. Christine has been a Committee Member since 20th July 2016

William Hamilton. William has been a Committee Member since 28th September 2011

Andrew W Marshall. Andrew has been a Committee Member since 20th September 2023

Michelle McNulty. Michelle has been a Committee Member since 21st September 2022

Sarah Jayne Newman. Sarah Jayne has been a Committee Member since 21st September 2022