Looking after your garden
If you live in a house or a flat that has its own garden (or gardens), then it is up to you to look after it. You need to cut the grass regularly, keep the garden tidy and litter free. If you are not up to doing the garden, then we may be able to help.
If there is nobody in the home fit enough to look after the garden, North View can do it for you under our Grass Cutting Scheme. All we need is medical information to confirm that everyone between 15 and 60 years of age who lives in the house cannot do the garden. Households where everyone is 60 years of age or over, also qualify for the Scheme.
We update the Grass Cutting List annually, so everybody has to apply each year to be on it. We usually end up with about 110 tenants on the List, and April is when it begins to get into full swing.
If you think you qualify for Garden Care, pick up an application form from our Office, or get one by clicking here. All you need to do then is fill it in, enclose any necessary medical information, and get it back to us as soon as possible. If you qualify, we’ll add you to the List and Caledonian Maintenance will cut your grass during the growing season.
If you don’t qualify for Garden Care, you can pay Caledonian Maintenance to cut your grass. This does not include for the upkeep of shrub beds and plants, but as long as you pay for four cuts up front, we’ll arrange it for you. Contact the Office if you are interested in this.