North View is a member of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Association (GWSF), Employer’s in Voluntary Housing (EVH), SHARE, Scottish Housing Network (SHN), Public Contracts Scotland (PCS), PfH Scotland, and Knowledge Hub.
The SFHA is the principle membership body for housing associations and co-operatives in Scotland. It provides support, and represents the movement in discussions with Government, and the Scottish Housing Regulator etc.. The SFHA’s can be accessed at
The GWSF plays a similar role to the SFHA, but focuses its attention on the issues that affect housing associations and housing co-operatives operating in the west of Scotland. Like SFHA, the GWSF represent its members in discussions with Government, the Scottish Housing Regulator etc.. The GWSF’s website can be accessed at
SHARE was established in 1985 by a handful of staff and committee members from housing associations in the Glasgow area intent on improving training within the sector. Today SHARE is totally self-sufficient, relying on membership subscriptions and training income. SHARE has more than 50 members; most are based in west central Scotland with a few others being spread throughout the country. SHARE is a company limited by guarantee and registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). SHARE is controlled by an Executive Committee elected by its member organisations. For more information, go to their website at
EVH is a unique organisation, providing unlimited support to the governing bodies of not for profit and voluntary organisations (like housing associations) in all aspects of their employer role. They do this as a fully volunteer-led organisation. EVH provide us with core employment support, and collectively bargain with the Union on pay and conditions on behalf of its members. EVH’s website can be accessed at
The SHN was set up in 1995 as a consortium of local authority and housing association landlords working together to drive up performance and deliver quality services by means of benchmarking, self-assessment and practice exchange. It is a process that continues today through their performance benchmarking activities and topical self-assessment seminars. The SHN’s website can be accessed at
PCS is used by the Scottish Government for the procurement of works, services, and supplies in the public sector. The public sector in Scotland accounts for around £8 billion of spend per annum; PCS help ensures that items are procured competitively and fairly. We use PCS’s website to procure works, and services (e.g. appointing architects, tendering our gas maintenance contract etc.). PCS’s website is at
We use PfH Scotland, and Knowledge Hub for procuring supplies. Their websites can be accessed at and