Health & Safety Policy Statement
Health & Safety Policy Statement
The Management Committee of North View Housing Association are responsible for the conduct of the business and the Organisation.
Health & Safety legislation imposes statutory duties on employers and employees. To enable these statutory duties to be carried out, it is the policy of the Organisation so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that responsibilities for health and safety are assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels of the Organisation; that all practicable steps are taken to manage the health, safety and welfare of all employees; and to conduct the business in such a way that the health and safety of visitors, to any premises under our control, is not put at risk.
We meet our obligations through implementation of the policies set out in our Health & Safety Manual (which has been developed from the industry model issued by EVH). We also employ the services of a Health & Safety Consultant to assist us in meeting our requirements as set out in the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015.